School Improvement Plan
School Improvement Plan:
Norwood Elementary School Improvement Plan can be accessed at using the following login information. Login information is case sensitive. You can also access via this link:
Norwood Username: GuestS17289
Password: GuestS17289
School Improvement Team Members:
Kate Blazer-Principal
Carolyn King-Assistant Principal
Bev Russell-Curriculum Coach
Joellen Teeter-Exceptional Children
Holly Knotts-First Grade
Ashley Thompson-Second Grade/Parent
Allison Vanness-Third Grade/Parent
John Jordan- Fourth Grade
Amanda Raxter-Fifth Grade/Parent
The School Improvement Team meets the 4th Tuesday unless otherwise noted* at 2:40 on Google Meet, please use the link to access the meeting:
- August 27
- September 24
- October 22
- November 26
- December 10*
- January 28
- February 25
- March 25
- April 29*
- May 20